
How to contact us for support

Report the fault / problem

You may report faults to us by our support portal, email or by telephone. 

We will need some information from you at this point, so please have the following details to hand, or include if reporting by email:
Your name and company name
Your contact details and preferred method of communication
Level of business impact
Asset tag and location of the equipment
A comprehensive description of the problem
Any corrective action that you have already attempted

Support Provided

We will initially attempt to guide you to a resolution over the telephone.  This will either be provided directly by the engineer who takes your call, or by us calling you back, within the timeframe defined in your agreement.

Should we be unsuccessful in guiding you though a resolution over the telephone, we will connect to your system with remote access.  This will normally require no interaction on your part.

In the event that it is not possible to resolve the problem in any other way, we will make arrangements for an engineer to attend site.

Support Availability

Monday to Friday 08:00 to 18:00
(Exluding public holidays)

24 Hour Support – ONLY if you have this contract.