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Ensuring Business Continuity: Vital Steps for Success.

on 19-Sep-2024 14:27:03 By | Aaron Hayes. | 0 Comments | Productivity Disaster Recovery IT Support Data Management
Imagine being the proud owner of the most beloved coffee shop in your city. Every morning, a stream of loyal customers eagerly queues for their much-needed caffeine boost. But one day, as your team is busily serving orders, a sudden storm hits, cutting off the electricity and plunging the café into darkness. To make matters worse, a cyberattack cripples your billing system, leading to a line of increasingly frustrated customers. Disasters can strike any business without warning. One moment, you’re basking in the success of your thriving venture, and the next, you’re facing a crisis that threatens to derail everything. Don’t let this scenario become your reality. In this blog, we’ll walk you through the crucial steps to develop a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) tailored to your specific needs, ensuring your business stays operational even when faced with unexpected challenges.
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Avoid These Mistakes When Planning For Incident Response.

on 19-Apr-2024 11:17:57 By | Aaron Hayes. | 0 Comments | Attack Cyber Cybersecurity IT News Disaster Recovery
Concerned about cyberattacks targeting your business? You're not alone. Cyberattacks present a genuine threat to businesses like yours. Without a robust incident response plan, your business may struggle to recover quickly, leading to significant losses. The good news, however, is that an incident response plan can provide valuable assistance. Through this blog, we will highlight common mistakes, myths, and misconceptions that can hinder the development of a robust response plan. Additionally, we will offer straightforward solutions to help you effectively navigate cyber challenges.
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Maximising Cyber Insurance Payouts: A Comprehensive Guide

on 22-Jan-2024 09:00:00 By | Aaron Hayes. | 0 Comments | Cyber Cybersecurity Disaster Recovery IT Support Cyber Insurance
Are you aware of the importance of cyber insurance in today's digital world? With businesses heavily relying on technology to conduct operations, the risk of cyber threats is at an all-time high. But hang on, just having cyber insurance is not enough! Taking proactive measures is vital to ensure it pays out when needed. That's why we are sharing some key strategies to help you maximise your cyber insurance payouts in this blog. Let's dive in!
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Four Ways Disasters Fuel Cyberattacks: Disaster Preparedness

on 24-Sep-2023 09:00:00 By | Aaron Hayes. | 0 Comments | Attack Cybersecurity Disaster Recovery IT Support
Discover how disasters can pave the way for cyberattacks with these four devious ways. As a business owner, you’re likely facing several challenges in today’s technology-driven world. However, unexpected disasters can further strain your organisation and create opportunities for cybercriminals to launch devastating attacks, exacerbating the chaos caused by such events. As a business leader, it’s crucial to prioritise disaster preparedness for both physical resilience and digital defence. Understanding how disasters can fuel cyberattacks and taking proactive steps to safeguard your business against these deceptive threats is essential. In this article, we’ll explore four significant ways disasters can amplify cyber threats and offer helpful strategies to bolster your cybersecurity posture in the face of adversity.
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Cyber Supply Chain Risk Management

on 01-Feb-2023 13:04:58 By | Aaron Hayes. | 2 Comments | Cybersecurity Disaster Recovery IT Support
Minimising Cyber Supply Chain Risks through Effective Vendor Selection. Aabyss takes supply chain security very seriously, so in this blog, we will share with you specific measures to vet vendors and reduce potential risks.
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Technology End of Service - 3 Myths

Technology End of Service - 3 Myths. Cybercriminals can quite easily infiltrate your network if your software and hardware are not kept up to date. Keeping your estate up to date is crucial to keep your security in tip-top shape and reduce downtime. If you are using and continue to use unsupported systems, you are leaving the door unlocked for potential attacks and you may also be hindering your company’s success, growth, and reputation.
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